Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Cinderella's Carriage Pumpkin

So this year I have fallen in love with Cinderella all over again with the new live action remake. Because of this, I decided months ago that I would carve my pumpkin into her carriage because, let's be real, it just make sense.
This is not meant to look exactly like the carriage from the movie, but I worked on some sketches and fond a way to make it happen. I turned out pretty good and all I needed was a bowl, a spoon, a pencil, and a knife.

Starting Out
So First, this is Frank the Pumpkin. Yes, I name my pumkins.

And here is the layout that I sketched.

Then I used the pencil and sketched onto the pumpkin, cut the top out, and gutted it. Then I started to cut the shapes. For the little designs on the carriage itself, I didn't carve all the way through, though I wish I had carved deeper than I did. Be careful with this part because there were several times that I started to grip the blade like a pencil and almost cut myself.

Here is the finished product.

Other Tips
-Be careful not to cut to close to your supports.
-Use a pumpkin preserve.
-Don't cut the top hole to wide.
-Use toothpicks to fix mess-ups.
-When picking a pumpkin, don't be too picky. You will never find the "perfect" pumpkin and that's okay.

I hope you enjoyed my pumpkin tutorial and I hope it helped someone. I love Halloween and I hope yours is wonderful!

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