Step #1:
For any calendar, you need the actual 7x5 grid with Monday-Tuesday on it. You need the actual calendars. These are easy to find. I literally just googled it. I found June-December and then I will make a new one for 2016. That's not that far away when you think about it. This year is flying by. I would copy the picture into a word document and doctor it the way I wanted it. If I could do it over, I would have made the paper landscape, but then the book might have been too big.
Step #2:
Because I didn't do it landscape, I had to modify the paper to match the calendar and the paper. So I folded it each equally. That wasn't as tricky as it sounds either. It was fairly easy.
Step #3:
When they all matched I put them in order for the book. However, I needed a cover. So I found a really cute background online and basically did the same thing with all the calendars. Then I added the title to match it, printed it out, and folded it like usual.
Step #4:
After all the pages were together, I stapled them all together. I may not be able to do that with a January-December calendar, but the pages also won't be folded next time either, so it might work.
Step #5:
Once the book was assembled, I went in and wrote all the posts I had already done on the day that I had done them. Each has a little design on them to let me know which TAB on Moonie-Mag they were under. Squiggles in the corner are College Life. Squiggly underlined is Get Creative. Squiggles on either side are My Style. Two straight lines to the left are What's New. Pen dots are This Month. Straight underline is I Know.
Step #6:
Then on the back of each month that hadn't happened yet I wrote out my future posts. Or what could be my future posts. I have up til November all planned. Some may be switched though and that's why they aren't on the calendar itself. I keep track of all the ones I do and then if one differs from the plan, I can use the one I didn't use for a day that needs a slot filled.
This really helps me keep everything in one place so I am not trying to find the last piece of loose leaf paper I wrote all those ideas down on. I am sure you all have some modifications and I would love to hear them in the comments below. Please don't be shy, I love new ideas. I hope you enjoyed reading how to organize your blog's calendar and have a wonderful rest of the week.
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