What's something that is bigger and better than a wallet and meant to be carried by strong independent women? A purse. I have only really carried a purse these last couple of years, but I have always known what I would keep in one if I ever did. Us girls we have a lot of instances where we say "I wish I had brought this" or "I can't believe I don't have that". All these little moments have helped me in knowing what I should keep in my purse. So here are my purse essentials to get me through the day.
1) My Wallet- I always have my wallet and my I.D. because you would be surprised how many times you will be doing something and then they ask for your I.D. And I am not talking about alcohol. It happens a lot and you never want to be caught without it. So find a good wallet that will last and keep everything you might need in it. This Coach wallet if the first splurge I bought with the money I have earned from work. I got it on sale and I love it.

2) My Keys- This one is a no-brainer if you don't have your keys how do you get in you house, your car, or your mail box. There should always be a place for your keys in your purse. As you can see mine have been through a lot.
3) Breath Fresheners- This is your gums and mints. Now I am not one for gum, but I always have mints, because bad breath is not a good thing.
4)Mirror & Lipgloss- I always have either lipgloss or chapstick. With lipgloss, I have a compact. You should probably have this anyway.
5)Notebook- I like to write, and sometimes if you don't write something down you will lose it forever, so I keep a notebook on me just in case. This one imparticular holds ideas for a book I am working on.

BONUS: My Badge- Because I am working this summer I also have my badge for the company in my purse. But that is just a bonus.
So There you go! This is what I keep in my purse every day. The reason my phone isn't on here is because that usually kept in my back pocket. Hope this either gave you an idea or just taught you a little more about me. Let me know what you thought in the comment section. Don't forget to follow Mooniemag on Instagram and go like us on Facebook. Have a wonderful Friday, I know I will!
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