Happy Tuesday All! I hope your Monday was somewhat pleasant.
Today marks four days until I hit the road for Auburn. I am so excited to get back to the hustle and bustle and good times that Auburn has to offer, and with that means a whole new game plan for taking on the semester.
I have mentioned once before that I plan to add a few organizations to my plate alongside 15 hours and of course, a steady attendance for Church. Well, this is a lot to take on, but remember my priorities list? This will be one thing that helps keep me sane and on top of things this semester, but this list will help me keep track of school. This is my study game plan for this semester. I will:
- Study for at least three hours a day the material we went over that day. Say I have French and Journalism on MWF, that would mean that I go over all that we learned that day in those classes for at least three hours.
- As long as I have another class, on campus I shall be. Last year I had an hour between each class, kind of like this year, and I would go home every hour. This is unproductive. Instead, I will stay on campus and get some of that studying from the first one done.
- School comes first. If I have an organization thing that I need to do, but I have a paper due 1-3 days from now, I choose the paper.
- Give yourself a day off. Saturdays are my days off. I will sleep in, watch Gameday, watch football, and relax as much as possible before Sunday.
- Prepare excessively for tests. Remember those three hours? Well, one week before that big test I will add two hours every day dedicated to that one subject. Say I have two test that week, that means four hours. No skimping on studying.
- Sundays. I will go to church, eat lunch with my friends, and then yes hit the books. This will be the day that I go over everything from the week before, but also look a little ahead and prepare for the week coming.
- Get Plenty of sleep. I plan to be up every day at 6 A.M. In bed by 10 P.M. should do it.
- I will plan meals ahead of time, clothes, my week as a whole, and school.

If you couldn't tell, I am tired of my half class goals and worrying by the end of the semester. It's all because I never really try. Well, this year my goal is a 4.0 and I intend on making it. Me and my roommates decided against cable this year to save money, so that should help. I really hope my plan works and I hope it helped you in some way or another. Let me know what your study habits are/were in college, high school, or even middle school. What works for you? Let me know in the comments below. I am excited for this school year and will definitely keep you all up to date. Have a wonderful rest of the week!
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