Saturday, August 8, 2015

Things That Comfort Me: Me Time!

Today's the day! It's Saturday! No better day to talk about what comforts you, or how to give yourself a you day!
Me days are the greatest invention of all time. These are the days where you wake up and do whatever you want. They are great for if you have been stressed.
Before we get started, I have to remind you what week it is. It's Moonie-Mag Comfort Week! This is the week that I have been sharing with you what comforts me and hopefully making you think about what comforts you. Let me know what your list is in the comments below and once again here's mine:

              • God
              • Food
              • My Bed
              • Down Time
              • Cozy Clothes
              • A Day To Myself
It's the last day, the last post, and I am glad to have shared my comforts with all of you. The last being a day to yourself. So here's how I do a day to myself.

A day to myself always starts from the moment I wake up. I love taking bubble baths in the morning so I light some candles and play some music while I soak in the warm water. After the bath I put on my robe and I just feel refreshed. Then I sit for a little while. I either read a book or a magazine before I get my computer and binge-watch Netflix. I have two great posts about shows, and movie series. This is the day I eat what I want and just relax. It's a great day. On this day, let everyone know that you aren't available and enjoy your time to yourself.

I hope I gave you an idea about how to make a day your own. Do what makes you happy throughout the day! Let me know what makes your day a you day or show me on Instagram with #MoonieMagComfortWeek. I would love know. Enjoy your weekend and check back here on Monday for my next post!

Don't forget to go follow Moonie-Mag on Instagram and go Like us on Facebook too. If you prefer Pinterest, then just go search Malan Lynn (<<<< That's Me!) and then go follow my Moonie-Mag Board!

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