Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Baby's First Visit Basket

My little nephew will be a year old in July, but like most of the McCracken children, he's already been to Disney World. I love Disney and I was really excited to experience my nephew's first trip so I made him a little first trip basket. It includes a Mickey doll, a first visit sippy cup, a pair of baby ears, a Disney travel journal, and a light saber because why not?

I was just really excited and you can add or substitute anything for something else, like for a little girl add a princess wand. If you want other ideas, check the world of Disney. They have all sorts of options! I hope you enjoyed this fun little gift!

*Let me know what you thought in the comments below.*

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Taking Care of your Make-Up Brushes

Hello there! So one of my favorite things in the world is make-up. I love it so so much and I have learned a lot about it in the last few years. One thing I have learned is to take care of your make-up tools.

Your brushes are very important and after a while, they need to be cleaned. Cleaning your brushes should happen way more often than you think and than I normally do. I have always heard after ten days. If you don't know how to clean I can teach you.

First, grab all the dirty brushes, make-up blenders, eye brushes, etc.

Take a dry paper towel and lay it out. You'll place your brushes there after you initially clean them.

Get another paper towel. Now, they make brush cleaner, but you can also use make-up remover or just plain soap. Wet it with whatever cleaner you have decided to use and make sure you use water if you use soap.

Take your brushes and lightly brush the wet paper towel. Keep going until the brush runs clean. Sometimes you may have to run them under a faucet to get the soap completely out. That's okay, it shouldn't happen too often but it won't hurt the brushes once and a while. Oh and your paper towel will be a completely different color. It happens.

After all your brushes have been clean and laying out on the dry paper towel pick them up and brush them against your skin to get their fluff and shape back a little bit. Then place them upright in a cup and let them dry so they dry in their shape.

After that, you're done! You have successfully cleaned your make-up brushes. Try and keep up with it and you will be a pro at taking care of them. Let me know what you thought in the comments below and have a wonderful day.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

School is Important

So this year I have found it very hard to get motivated. It's odd, because I can stay pretty good on grades even when I am not motivated because, though I don't study as hard, I still know that school is IMPORTANT!

Something we kids take for granted in the U.S. is the fact that we get educated. I know that I am blessed to be an Auburn student so I feel that I should be able to sit down and focus on the books in front of me to make sure that I get the grades that best represent my knowledge on the topic at hand. I know that I need to start studying earlier. I know that I need to stop looking at my phone for at least an hour at a time. I know I need to try my best with what I have been given.

Sometimes this is hard. I know it's not easy especially when you have other things on your brain like vacations, boys, or parties. But you have to tear through those things sometimes and prioritize that school is why you are here. It's great that your sorority sisters have planned this trip for all of you. It's wonderful that this guy asked you out last week and you are so excited. It's awesome that your friends have invited you to this party on Friday night, but Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are for school. Friday night to Sunday morning is yours and Sunday is God's. Work for the weekend. It's a saying that's not wrong. You can do this because you know School is Important!

I hope you got something out of this post this week and I hope you have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Downsizing your Packing

I love traveling and with Spring Break coming up, I though it only necessary to try and find solutions for something I know I struggle with when it comes to packing. I tend to over pack. I like to be prepared and then I end up not wearing half of  the items I brought. So I have developed a list of tips to help with your packing!

These tips are as follows:

1) Mix and Match- I know you don't want to wear things twice but here's the thing. You're on vacation. There are somethings you can get away with in order to save space. Example: Wear workout clothes on your travel days and then re-wear them when you actually workout. No one will know and you're working out, you'll be gross anyway.

2) Pack Flats- I know that you will need some heels and some clunkier shoes, but try to pack skinny sandals when you can and bring versatile shoes that go with multiple things.

3) Clean Out Toiletries- Make sure you aren't bringing anything you don't need, or is expired, or is just extra. At one point I remember looking in my toiletry bag and I had my travel shampoo along with two complimentary shampoos from two different trips.

4) Invest in Organizing- I recently bought a new travel make-up bag because I have a case. It's large and full of all my make-up because I love make-up so so much! However, I don't need to take that on a cruise ship with me. So I bought a decent sized make-up bag from amazon and I and excited to only take what I know I will wear with the outfits I am bringing.

So these are things I am going to try for my trip this year and I can't wait to see how it works. Thank you all for reading and I hoped this helped you in some way!